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Alexandre Goyer


- Symbolic-Numeric Factorization of Differential Operators, 2022 [acm] [pdf] [bib]

- A Sage Package for the Symbolic-Numeric Factorization of Linear Differential Operators, 2021 [acm] [pdf] [bib]




- Factorization of linear differential operators : developing code into a SageMath package named ore_algebra [source]


Here is a minimal example of how my code works (make sure that SageMath and ore_algebra are installed on your pc).

sage: from ore_algebra.examples import ssw
sage: ssw.dop[1,0,0].factor()
[(16*t^3 - t)*Dt^2 + (80*t^2 - 5)*Dt + 48*t, t*Dt + 2]




- Symbolic-numeric factorization of linear differential operators

        · Séminaire d'Analyse (IRMA, Strabourg), 09/02/2023 [slides]

- Algorithme seminumérique pour la factorisation d'équations différentielles

        · visite de l'UVSQ dans MATHEXP, 07/12/2022 [slides]

- Symbolic-Numeric Approach to Dealing with Differential Operators

        · Visiting CRIStAL team, 09/11/2022 [slides]

- Symbolic-numeric factorization of linear differential operators

        · Regular paper presentation at ISSAC'22 conference, 06/07/2022 [slides]

        · Séminaire Algèbre et Géométrie au LMV, 31/05/2022 [slides]

        · Functional Equations at LIMoges, 30/03/2022 [slides]

        · Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel, 28/02/2022 [slides]

        · Software presentation at ISSAC'21 conference, 22/07/2021 [slides]

        · De rerum natura meeting, 03/06/2021 [slides]

        · Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel, 01/03/2021 [slides]

        · PolSys/SpecFun seminar, 04/12/2020 [slides]